How to Reduce Carbon Footprint in the Tourism Industry

How to Reduce Carbon Footprint in the Tourism Industry

Travel has resumed. While it brings positive developments to the tourism industry, concerns about travel sustainability have also reemerged. Some travel practices contribute to environmental problems. As people return to their old ways and enjoy the luxury of traveling, it is also important to take essential steps toward a sustainable future.

Many people have already adopted practices that help lower environmental impact. However, some are still less conscious about how they act and must be guided in choosing more sustainable options that won’t affect their experience.

How Your Hotel Can Reduce Carbon Footprint in Tourism 

1. Encourage longer vacations.

One of the main purposes of traveling is to relax and get away from the usual hustle and bustle of life. However, this would be harder to achieve if travelers would be in a rush when taking breaks. 

Travelers should not cram trying to get to several destinations in a limited number of days. This makes a “vacation” more hectic and tiring than the usual days. Hoteliers should come up with extended vacation packages that will help slow things down for travelers. This will not just allow them to make the most of their trip, but will also help reduce the number of emissions that may be generated when traveling from one destination to another.

Offer promos for longer vacations and include activities that can make them feel relaxed and refreshed while helping the environment too!

2. Help travelers to pack light.

How travelers pack their essentials also impacts the environment. In essence, the heavier the luggage, the higher the demand for fuel when transporting them whether by plane, car, or bus. Higher fuel consumption equates to a higher amount of carbon emissions.

Change how guests pack their luggage. Provide basic hotel amenities so that they won’t find it necessary to bring them. Hotel slippers, bathrobes, and quality towels are basic provisions that guests must be entitled to use. Just make sure that you’ll provide luxurious hotel amenities that can eliminate reasons for guests to still bring their personal items. Hair blowers, electric razors, and clothes iron are examples of room equipment that must be made available for them too. You can also provide sporting gear such as basketball, frisbee, and fishing equipment that they may use for free while in your hotel.


Reducing your luggage by 15 pounds would decrease your emissions by about 80 pounds on a ten-hour flight. Imagine the amount of CO2 that can be eliminated per trip if more passengers would do this!

3. Provide eco-friendly transportation.

When getting from one destination to another, provide guests with better transportation options. Shuttle services are better than sedans that can only accommodate 3 to 4 people. You may also invest in hybrid or electric vehicles. Furthermore, you can provide bicycles or e-scooters to allow them to exercise while exploring places.

4. Reduce food waste. 

Food production accounts for around 1 quarter of the total world emissions. Carbon is produced along with food production, particularly during the stages of processing, packaging, transportation, and refrigeration. Aside from those, uneaten foods that are thrown away also produce methane emissions as they rot in landfills.

Observe sustainable food practices in your hotel to spare the environment from further harm.

  • Provide small servings of food.
  • When providing free breakfast, give guests the freedom to choose what they’ll eat.
  • Be strict in buffets to lessen the amount of food waste.
  • Provide reusable containers for your leftovers.
  • Choose local suppliers to cut the distance in the transport of foods.

5. Support eco-friendly hotel amenities suppliers.

Hotel administrators should be more conscious when it comes to the decisions they make, including the procurement of hotel supplies. Use your authority by choosing eco-friendly hotel amenities suppliers. Shift to hotel suppliers that are dedicated to breaking the cycle of environmental issues caused by the hospitality industry. 

  • Check the sustainability of the products being offered by hotel suppliers.
  • Invest in quality hotel amenities that can last longer.
  • Choose sustainable hotel supplies that can also improve the guest experience.

ALSO READ: Different Types of Beddings You Need for Your Hotel

Hotels and other businesses play a great role in making travel more sustainable and for the tourism industry to recover and thrive without inflicting harm to the environment. Simple steps such as using energy-efficient fixtures and local outsourcing of food supplies can make a difference in your carbon footprint. Climate action is done through the implementation of relevant practices. It’s not yet too late. Start with the above-mentioned tips.

Are you looking for a hotel amenities supplier who can help you take climate action? Hotel & Spa Essentials offers sustainable hotel supplies used by world-class hotels. Reach out to us so we can guide you on your sustainable shift.


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