The Principles Behind Ecotourism that Hotels Must Adopt

The Principles Behind Ecotourism that Hotels Must Adopt

Before the pandemic, ecotourism has started to gain its niche in the travel industry. In fact, it is a fast-growing segment that mainly focuses on conservation. Post-pandemic, a continuing shift toward ecotourism is expected. If you’re a hotel owner and wants to prepare for ‘new normal’ travel, there are principles behind ecotourism that you should know and adopt to your systems too.

What is Ecotourism?

Ecotourism is the responsible way to travel to natural areas that conserve nature and sustains the welfare of locals. It is a way to encourage travelers to do their part in protecting the environment and avoid degradation in any way while contributing to local communities instead of being just a typical tourist passing by.

  • It raises environmental awareness
  • It supports conservation efforts
  • It empowers local people
  • It respects local culture

How Your Hotel can Adopt Ecotourism Practices

1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

One of the most important issues that hotel owners must address is the huge amount of waste produced each year. By strictly following the 3Rs, you can help in its reduction. There are now luxury hotel supplies that are available in eco-friendly dispensers and packages that should initiate your move towards proper waste management.

While directly instructing hotel guests to practice the 3Rs may seem off, you can motivate them by putting signs around the property about it. There are also materials that you can display to show the extent of damage that environmental waste can create.

2. Promote Energy Conservation

Conscious efforts must be made towards energy conservation. There are practices that must be changed in order to adopt measures that can preserve water and energy.

There are available alternatives to conventional and energy-consuming amenities. Eco-friendly showerheads, dual flush toilets, quick-drying towels and linens, and innovative technologies are just some of the options that you can try to adhere to ecotourism principles.

3. Create a Green Building

Greenhouse gases contribute to environmental destruction and you may not know it but your hotel is already guilty of this.

There are structures in your hotel that may need to be upgraded. Insulate walls and glasses so they won’t reflect the heat outside and you can keep your building cool naturally. Controlled lighting that automatically switches on and off as needed is also a good investment. Basic but important switches can result in taking huge steps towards turning your hotel into a green building.

ALSO READ: How to Convert Your Luxury Accommodation into a Sustainable Eco Hotel

Once travel resumes, the number of hotel guests that you can accommodate is also expected to increase. Why not take this time as an opportunity to upgrade your systems to make your hotel more eco-friendly? Ecotourism is a growing trend and as more people are more conscious about the environment now, you will be doing your business a favor while doing your part in protecting the environment at the same time. 
Hotel and Spa Essentials support environmentally-friendly initiatives. Contact us today to know how we can empower you to save the planet, one guest at a time.

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