Brilliant Hotel Amenity Ideas that Will Impress Your Guests

Brilliant Hotel Amenity Ideas that Will Impress Your Guests

Guests have high expectations when it comes to the hotel experience. Aside from room quality, cleanliness, and safety, the hotel amenities that you provide them will also contribute to the overall satisfaction of your guests. You don’t really have to go over the top to earn good reviews and recommendations. You can explore some hotel amenity ideas that will benefit your accommodation 

Not sure where to start? Below are brilliant hotel amenity ideas for all types of guests.

5 Hotel Amenity Ideas You Should Try Now

Encourage Fitness

Hotels usually provide gym and exercise facilities. However, during a pandemic when most people would rather avoid public places, not all your guests would be encouraged to try them. Instead, you can provide basic exercise equipment in guest rooms such as weights, jump ropes, and resistance bands so they can stay active even when they prefer to stay inside their rooms.

Create a Yoga/Meditation Playlist

Wellness enthusiasts will surely appreciate gestures that support a healthy mind and body. This is an added perk that is simple to execute. You can include a flash drive in your hotel amenities or simply share a card with a link that will allow them to access songs that they can play on their device while doing their wellness exercises.

Include a Convenient Workspace

Since Work from Home setup is common these days, you should anticipate that some of your guests will be attending to their business, office tasks, and even school activities while in your hotel. It would be very convenient if you can arrange guest rooms to include a workspace. Ensure a stable Wi-Fi connection, add a desk and office chair in one corner, and provide ample power outlets so that they will still be comfortable when dealing with tasks that they have to complete.

Provide High-Quality Toiletries

Guests who travel during a pandemic will have to carry additional essentials in their luggage to ensure that they will be properly equipped while they’re on vacation. It would be very convenient if you will provide them with high-quality toiletries that they won’t mind using to replace the ones they normally use back home.

The good thing about this is there are luxury hotel amenities suppliers like Hotel and Spa Essentials that can customize toiletries used in world-class hotels to include your brand. You can provide guests with essentials they love while also promoting your business.

Promote Local

Those who book a hotel in other destinations would love a touch of local added to their experience. You can surprise your guests by giving them welcome gifts, particularly the products popular in your location. This can be a native hat, handcrafted purse, or handmade accessory that can also serve as a souvenir of their stay.

ALSO READ: New Normal Health and Safety Guidelines for Accommodations

An added effort on your part to improve the experience of your guests will also benefit your business. There are simple but brilliant hotel amenity ideas that you can try to get repeat bookings and benefit from word-of-mouth promotion. It’s a small step to take compared with the benefits that they can reap. All you’ll need is the right strategy and a reputable hotel amenities supplier to provide you with your needs.

Hotel and Spa Essentials has been supporting the needs of hotels for excellent quality hotel amenities. Reach out to us so we can discuss your requirements.

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