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How to Handle Large Group Hotel Bookings

Most hotel owners and managers aspire to increase their revenue and one way to do that is to know the best hotel market segments to focus on. In the hospitality industry, there are broad segments and several sub-segments that can be taken advantage of. These include transient or individual travelers, corporate or business travelers, and […]

How to Meet Guest Expectations in the Hospitality Industry

The hotel industry continues to evolve. Current and emerging technologies paved the way for hoteliers to meet guest expectations and create a thrilling experience for their guests. Travelers tend to expect that hotels will provide them with an experience that is more luxurious than what they usually have at home. To ensure guest satisfaction, it […]

Key Steps to Make Hotel Rooms More Competitive

A recent survey tells that a majority of tourism professionals (83%) see gains in momentum in the travel industry for 2022. The popularization of global travel will continue along with the growth in the hospitality industry Along with the resumption of travel around the world, the competition in the hospitality industry also rises. Now, more […]

6 Important Hotel Amenities that Would Impress Your Guests

There are already different types of accommodations in almost every destination. While this means that travelers are presented with several options when in search of a place to stay, this also poses a challenge for hotels to take the necessary efforts to be the standout choice for guests. If you are a hotelier or a […]

Reasons to Invest in Minibars for Your Hotel Rooms

Are you having second thoughts about acquiring hotel minibars for your property? While many hotels are already doing away with this in-room equipment, you should still look into the benefits of keeping it as one of your hotel amenities and making the most of it at the same time. Want to know why a hotel […]

Key Facts to Know About the Different Types of Coffee Machines

Coffee has become indispensable for many. It is the typical morning fix and even the go-to drink any time of the day. In 2020 and 2021, the Philippines recorded an average consumption of 3.05 kilos per person annually. By 2025, consumption is projected to reach 3.78 kilos. This reflects how it is important to ensure […]

Smart Tips for Choosing the Best Hotel Blankets

Hotel blankets affect room aesthetics, quality sleep, and luxury experience. But aside from the benefits that quality blankets provide your guests, they could also help reduce the amount you spend on hotel supplies. There are lots of benefits that can be achieved by simply using the right blankets. To ensure that you’ll get the most […]

How to Reduce Expenses on Hotel Towels

Hotel towels are among the operational expenses that hotel administrators or managers should not overlook. Although it may seem like they come with a flat price, their maintenance and replacement costs tell otherwise. Laundering hotel towels will require high-quality laundry products. It will consume water and electricity, and will also require man-hours. Over time, towels […]

5 Energy Saving Tips for Hotels that Can Impact Revenue

Times are extra challenging for businesses nowadays. The effects of the global crisis can already be felt. The inflation rate is high and recession may be in the offing. Any effort to reduce expenses would help keep businesses stay afloat. In the hotel industry, one of the measures that should be taken is to reduce […]