How to Reduce Expenses on Hotel Towels

Hotel towels are among the operational expenses that hotel administrators or managers should not overlook. Although it may seem like they come with a flat price, their maintenance and replacement costs tell otherwise.

Laundering hotel towels will require high-quality laundry products. It will consume water and electricity, and will also require man-hours. Over time, towels may also need to be replaced due to frequent usage and even losses. The purchase and maintenance of hotel towels may come with a high price and an opportunity to save money should be taken advantage of. Read on to find tips on how to reduce expenses on hotel towels.

Tips to Reduce Expenses on Hotel Towels

1. Choose hotel towels based on quality, not price.

With the desire to cut your operational expenses, you might be tempted to choose low-priced hotel towels. Although this may seem ideal, it would not be smart to just look at the price without inspecting the quality. If that is the case, you may end up buying new towels in just a short time.

Hotel and Spa Essentials offers Standard Textile towels to help you create positive experiences for your guests and reduce your overall operational costs. Our hotel towels are luxurious and designed with durability in mind to ensure extended service and maximize your operational efficiency.

2. Supply your guests with large hotel towels.

It would be best to choose large towels. Smaller-sized hotel towels may impact the experience of hotel guests especially if they aren’t able to use them the way they want to. Apart from that, when a small hotel towel isn’t enough, there is a tendency for guests to use more than one which will affect your laundry costs. Lastly, there is the tendency for small towels to not withstand wear and tear due to frequent use and washes.

3. Be strategic when stacking hotel towels.

You can help reduce the unnecessary use of towels by applying some changes to how hotel towels are presented. For instance, when providing pool towels, it would be better to roll than fold them. Rolled towels are bulkier and will make it inconvenient for guests to get two or more. This will discourage a common behavior among guests of getting more than what they will use. Aside from managing your laundry load, it will spare hotel towels from unnecessary wear and tear.

4. Make different types of hotel towels available where they are needed.

One of the reasons why hotel towels may get damaged is because of improper use. Use your best towels for in-room use. Colored towels are the preferred pool towels as they are used outdoors and may get soiled. Lastly, chair towels should also be provided. You wouldn’t want regular hotel towels to be used in covering chairs with straps or wicker that can cause damage.

5. Discourage theft.

Without proper regulations, your inventory of hotel towels could deplete due to theft. Discourage this by limiting the number of towels available in rooms. Guests may think that taking towels would be easier to notice if there will only be a small number of towels provided throughout the day. Just make sure to restock the next day and be prompt in responding to guests who may request additional towels in their rooms.

ALSO READ: Housekeeping 101: How Hotel Bed Making Can Be Done Fast

Hotels, resorts, spas, and accommodations won’t be able to offer a complete guest experience without providing high-quality hotel towels. While it is a typical part of a hotel’s operational costs, you should not miss opportunities to reduce expenses on hotel towels. A few modifications can go a long way and will ultimately impact your bottom line.

Ready to start saving on hotel towel expenses? Contact Hotel and Spa Essentials today so we can discuss your requirements.


5 Energy Saving Tips for Hotels that Can Impact Revenue

Times are extra challenging for businesses nowadays. The effects of the global crisis can already be felt. The inflation rate is high and recession may be in the offing. Any effort to reduce expenses would help keep businesses stay afloat. In the hotel industry, one of the measures that should be taken is to reduce energy usage.

One way to keep your expenses in control is by reducing your energy usage. On average, utilities make up 6% of the total hotel operating costs. Taking the effort to keep it low would surely have a direct impact on your hotel revenue. If you need ideas on how to get started, here are some of the simple yet effective energy-saving tips that hotel administrators can follow.

5 Energy Saving Tips for Hotels

1. Use Automatic Shutdown Sockets

Don’t miss the opportunity to save on energy. Use automatic shutdown sockets to ensure that power is cut in unused rooms. It is a way to use power wisely wherein energy will only be available in rooms where guests are expected to stay.

2. Book Rooms Strategically

During off-peak seasons, it would be ideal to book rooms in clusters to control power usage in a certain part of your hotel. Another way to book rooms strategically is to consider their locations. Rooms that face the sun would take more energy to cool especially during the summer months. Consider assigning guests to these rooms only when the other rooms are already filled.

3. Control Laundry Costs

Simple modifications can help lower your energy costs especially when it comes to hotel linens and towels. Dissuade behavior that may abuse the use of sheets and towels and promote those that can positively impact your bottom line by reducing water and energy use.

  • Provide supplies based on the number of occupants in a room. Guests are privileged to request additional towels during their stay. If the supply is not enough, they will most likely let you know.
  • Replace linens by request. Some hotels provide door hangers as a way for guests to communicate with the housekeeping staff. You can also use this strategy or a similar one to help determine if guests are requesting the replacement of sheets.
  • Provide more towel racks or hangers. Support positive behavior. If there will be more opportunities to reuse hotel towels, guests will most likely find no reason to ask for more.

4. Invest in good hotel products.

Look for products such as towels and sheets that use cutting-edge technology to reduce operational costs without getting in the way of a quality hotel guest experience. High-quality products may have higher initial costs but they prove to be cost-efficient in the long run. 

For instance, EcoKnit towels are 2 to 3 times more durable than ordinary hotel towels. You won’t need to replace supplies very often. They are also designed to consume less detergent and lower energy consumption so your laundry and energy expenses are reduced.

5. Empower your staff.

As much as you want to influence positive behavior among guests, you also have to ensure that your staff shares the same goals with you. Inform them about the benefits of energy conservation. Train them to be consistent in practicing energy-saving strategies that can help reduce power consumption. Set goals for them and once reached provide incentives to inspire them to do better. 

ALSO READ: Housekeeping 101: How Hotel Bed Making Can Be Done Fast

Simple acts can make a huge difference. More than ever, it is now a must to save on energy. Aside from taking the necessary efforts to protect the environment, the reduction in your operational costs through energy saving would take part in keeping your business afloat, especially during the most trying times. Start with these simple but effective energy-saving tips for hotels that can impact your revenue in the long run.

Hotel and Spa Essentials offers high-quality hotel supplies that can impress guests and benefit your business. Contact us today to find out more about the world-class hotel amenities we offer.


Types of Hotel Guest Complaints that You Must Avoid

In the hospitality industry, it is a must to keep up with the expectations of clients. When it comes to hotels, guest satisfaction counts a lot. It is important to ensure that their experience will be as satisfactory as possible.

However, hotel guest complaints still arise. This draws the line between a superb experience and a frustrating one. The key here is to learn from the mistakes of others to ensure that the same problem won’t happen in your hotel.

Here are some of the most common hotel guest complaints and tips on how to handle them.

The Most Common Hotel Guest Complaints

1. Noisy Neighbors

This is a common complaint and happens in almost any type of hotel. Loud neighbors get in the way of peace and comfort that other guests hope to experience during their stay. Keep in mind that hotel guests paid for their accommodation to enjoy a comfortable stay. Getting some quiet time is the bare minimum of their expectations from your hotel.

When you receive this type of hotel guest complaint, be polite in approaching their neighbor. Make them aware of the complaint and inform them about your hotel policy regarding room occupancy. Politely asking them to lower their volume will give them the impression that you are politely addressing the complaint about their noise and still giving them the proper treatment fitted for hotel guests.

2. Dirty Rooms

Hotel guests will definitely have a negative response to a dirty room. Cleanliness is a top consideration for choosing a hotel. Guests pay for a luxurious experience and they deserve to be offered a fresh and clean room. The quality of their stay will be greatly impacted by the rooms that they will be provided. At this point when more people are cautious about cleanliness due to virus scare, your guests deserve nothing less but a well-sanitized hotel room.

Dirty rooms indicate poor management and housekeeping. This is an important aspect that you should not overlook. When you receive a complaint about dirty rooms, validate and respond swiftly. Politely offer them a new room (an upgrade would be appreciated), apologize, and assure them that this issue will be promptly addressed. 

On the other hand, you also have to address the issue internally.

  • Make sure that the management is aware of the complaint. 
  • The housekeeping staff should see to it that hotel rooms are cleaned according to hotel standards before a guest checks in. 
  • The front desk staff should also be responsible for making guests wait comfortably while their room is being prepared.

3. Insufficient Complimentary Guest Supplies

Complimentary guest supplies might not be the most important factor in a hotel stay, but guests expect to have them ready in their room. Items like shampoo, soap, and other toiletries add pleasure to their experience. Complimentary welcome drinks and snacks also add value to their hotel stay. 

Be responsive to this type of guest complaint. Make sure that hotel supplies are sufficient in rooms before a guest checks in. Hotel guests love complimentary treats. These hotel essentials are some of the things that they may look forward to every time they book your hotel.

A sustainable option that you can try is a liquid soap and shampoo dispenser that can be installed in every room. You will only need to check it and refill it from time to time to ensure that guests will have a sufficient supply of the toiletries they commonly need. With a quality liquid dispenser, you are able to promote sustainability. You will also be able to control the operational costs of your hotel since guests will only use the amount they need and can’t bring home unused supplies.

4. Unexpected Charges

Going on a vacation and staying in hotels is already expensive. Most guests already planned their budget before they arrived at their destination. Having unexpected fees wouldn’t be a welcome surprise. Your guests wouldn’t want to be charged more than the amount that has been disclosed to them.

Unexpected fees are a sign of poor customer service. It creates trust issues and will prevent you from acquiring loyal clients. Worst, it will be the reason why your hotel may get bad reviews. 

Transparency is key when dealing with customers especially when it comes to money matters. You have to integrate it into your systems. 

  • Be upfront and make sure that they are properly informed about costs and fees during the booking process. 
  • In case of miscommunication in which a staff is at fault, address the matter and offer proper apologies.
  • Stay polite while resolving the issue with undisclosed fees. The last thing you’d want is to offend a displeased customer.

ALSO READ: Sustainable Practices in Hospitality Industry that You Should be Doing Now

Running a hotel is not easy, but you’d be better off if you will be able to avoid hotel guest complaints. Client satisfaction will impact your reputation, improve your trust ratings, and earn you more clients. Revisit your processes to prevent issues with your guests. You can start with the list shared in this article.

Looking for a hotel amenities supplier that can partner with you in ensuring guest approval? Contact Hotel and Spa Essentials to find world-class hotel amenities used by top hotels worldwide.


Housekeeping 101: How Hotel Bed Making Can Be Done Fast

One of the things in a hotel that impact first impressions is the hotel bed. It could be one of the factors why guests will remember your hotel and consider booking it again. However, to make guests comfortable through neatly made beds, your housekeeping staff may spend more time arranging them. This could impact productivity and may also lead to potential delays especially when rooms fail to be ready on time and guests are already waiting.

As hotel staffing remains a common issue that many hoteliers face, you might be interested to learn some techniques that can help your housekeeping staff speed up the bed-making process.

5 Fool-Proof Bed Making Tips

1. Invest in Luxurious Bedding and Linens

This is a basic step that can speed up the bed-making process. Find a hotel linen supplier in the Philippines that can provide high-quality bedding and linens. With proper maintenance and care, you will be able to get bed-making faster and create a presentable bedroom setup to satisfy your guests. Not only will it save precious effort and time from your housekeeping, but it will also affect your bottom line in the long run.

2. Use the Right Sheets

The sheets that will be used in bed-making will affect the overall result. It is ideal to use dual flat sheets for the hotel beds. More time is consumed when fitted sheets are used. It will require proper folding and all corners need to be checked once it is already installed. With dual flat sheets, bed-making is a breeze. Aside from productivity, it will also improve your inventory since fitted sheets will be eliminated.

3. Apply the Triple Sheeting Technique

Another time-consuming part of making the hotel bed is the use of duvets and duvets cover. When they are used, the time to fix the bed is three to four times longer. To avoid unnecessary waste of time, the triple sheeting technique is preferred.

What is the triple sheeting technique?

Basically, it involves a triple-layer bed composed of a comforter, a flat sheet, and a top sheet.

With the triple sheeting technique, the comforter is tucked in between the flat sheet which is placed underneath, and a top sheet (a decorative top cover may also be used). Aside from reducing the time to make hotel beds, triple sheeting also makes the care and maintenance of sheets more efficient.

4, Keep Stock of Clean Linens

Another factor that may get in the way of hotel bed-making is the unavailability of clean linens. The appropriate PAR (Periodic Automatic Replacement) level should be strictly maintained. PAR is a system that computes the minimum inventory your hotel should have to ensure that hotel amenities will be in stock and shortages will be avoided. Hotels with on-site laundry should maintain 3-PAR while those that use off-site laundry should maintain 4-PAR.

While an appropriate PAR level helps in inventory, it also prevents linens or sheets from getting worn out. Sheets, especially cotton sheets, that are used straight from the dryer to the hotel beds tend to have shorter linen life. Cotton products require time to rest so they can regain moisture lost during the drying process. Without rest time, the quality and durability of cotton sheets and other products are compromised.

5. Take Advantage of Technology

Advanced technology now makes it easier to maintain hotel beds. For instance, Standard Textile’s AllerEase® Professional Duraflex™ comes with a 360° zip-off top. Its system of zippered mattress encasements helps make changing sheets fast and effortless. 

Another product from Standard Textile is The Elevations™ comforter which combines style, comfort, and performance. It is engineered to have more fill on top and less on the side to instantly achieve an extravagant look for hotel beds.

ALSO READ: How Plastics Harm the Environment and What You Can Do as a Hotelier

Hoteliers know the importance of keeping their guests happy. One way to do that is to ensure that beds will look nice and properly done at a glance. Fortunately, with a few techniques, hotel bed making can be fast and efficient.

You can reduce your overall operational costs and improve guest satisfaction with the right hotel amenities supplier. Reach out to us so we can optimize your operations and help work your way towards your goals.


How Plastics Harm the Environment and What You Can Do as a Hotelier

The problem with plastic waste is no longer new. In the hotel industry, a lot of hoteliers and travelers contribute to plastic pollution. It is a convenient, durable, and affordable material which are some of the reasons why many still prefer to use it. With global awareness and greater concern for the environment, steps are being taken to slowly move away from plastic use. There could be struggles in doing so, but efforts are worth it, especially with a larger picture in sight.

How Plastics Harm the Environment

Plastics pollute oceans.

Around 8 million tons of plastic waste pollute bodies of water every year. When they reach rivers and oceans, they threaten the lives of marine animals. This environmental waste can also get into the human food chain. 

Plastics don’t break down easily.

The materials used in making plastics include additives that help extend their lives. Plastics are durable and flexible and it will take around 400 years for them to break down. This presents threats to wildlife and also contributes to the spread of toxins.

Plastics contribute to global warming.

Plastics are made from chemicals. To produce them, chemicals that come from the production of dirty fuels such as gas, oil, and coal are used which in turn contribute to global warming. Moreover, plastics burnt in incinerators release toxic gases that lead to air pollution.

What You Can Do As a Hotelier

The hospitality industry now faces the challenge to stop plastic pollution. Hotels are among the sources of plastic waste with this material constantly present in most establishments in the forms of lids, straws, cups, toiletry bottles, packaging, and more.

The fact that a lot of hotels are located near the beach and other natural attractions, the potential for them to be a source of plastics that can damage the environment only increases.

Fortunately, hoteliers have options to choose sustainable hotel amenities as alternatives to what is normally used in resorts and accommodations. Single-use plastics can be avoided by investing in hotel supplies that can be used repeatedly. 

  • Instead of using sachets and mini toiletries in individual packages, hoteliers may invest in eco-friendly dispensers. 
  • They can also opt for packaging that is made with plant-based materials to prevent the accumulation of residues that may harm the ecosystems.
  • Another option is to promote the use of recycled plastics such as PCR (post-consumer recycled) and PIR (post-industry recycled) plastics sourced from industrial scrap or recalled products.

The dispensers included in Hotel and Spa Essentials’ guest amenities promote the reduction of plastic use. Our selection includes liquid soap dispensers that are innovative, sustainable, and eco-designed to serve as suitable alternatives to usual plastics.

ALSO READ: Reasons to Choose Eco-Friendly Hotel Amenities NOW

Hotel and Spa Essentials partners with Groupe GM to provide luxury hotel amenities from the most trusted brands in the hospitality industry. Our offerings range from high-quality toiletries and linens to elegantly-designed liquid dispensers that aim to help reduce dependence on single-use plastics.

Make a difference by taking initiatives to protect the environment. Inquire about our products now.


Sustainable Practices in Hospitality Industry that You Should be Doing Now

The world is facing serious environmental concerns. The repercussions of climate change have been felt in recent years. Increasing temperatures, unexpected changes in weather conditions, and floods are just some of the signs of a catastrophic future.

Hotels contribute to environmental waste. Data shows that the hotel sector accounts for around 1% of global carbon emissions. This presents the importance of adopting sustainable practices in the hospitality industry to help save the environment. 

Why Sustainable Practices in Hotels are Important

  • Reduce CO2 emissions
  • Reduce environmental waste
  • Save resources such as water and energy
  • Save money in the long-run
  • Promote a good brand image

If you want to start an eco-friendly drive in your hotel, here are some of the steps that you can initiate.

6 Sustainable Practices in Hospitality Industry that You Should Follow

1. Identify the available eco-friendly options.

The availability of sustainable hotel amenities is not lacking. There are lots of eco-friendly alternatives to traditional hotel essentials. Whether it’s energy resources, hotel toiletries, food, or room amenities, there are sustainable counterparts that you should explore.

2. Look for hotel suppliers that promote sustainability.

To ensure that sustainability efforts will be successful, you need to find a hotel supplier that is committed to environmental protection. Check out a hotel amenities supplier who can help reduce your environmental impact.

Hotel and Spa Essentials’ eco-responsible commitment helps in protecting the earth for generations to come by always prioritizing responsible and sustainable hotel supplies alternatives.

3. Avoid plastics.

Create a plastic-free environment to protect the earth. Plastic is a non-degradable material and it would take several years to decompose. Choose sustainable alternatives to plastics like plant-based packaging. If plastic use cannot be completely avoided, reuse and recycle.

Hotel and Spa Essentials promote recycling by using PCR (post-consumer recycled) and PIR (post-industry recycled) materials for product packaging.


In the Philippines, a bill that bans single-use plastics passed the final reading. Once implemented, one-time-use plastic products will already be phased out.

4. Reduce paper use. 

According to GFRA, thousands to millions of trees are sacrificed to produce paper. This is one of the reasons why deforestation is a constant problem. It has a huge impact on the environment. As much as possible, reduce your hotel’s paper trails. Data and other important documents can already be shared through emails and cloud servers. Not only will you help the environment, but it also improves efficiency.

5. Conserve water.

Technology has paved the way for eco-friendly hotel amenities to be available. Smart faucets that can detect motion are an effective way to control water usage. You may use this type of technology in hotel lobbies, restrooms, and powder rooms.

6. Save energy.

In-room equipment and other hotel amenities are large contributors to energy usage. It is advisable to invest in eco-friendly hotel equipment. Although their upfront costs could be higher, their running costs could help you save on costs. With high-quality brands, you can also benefit from the equipment’s longevity that you may not find a reason to replace within a short period.

ALSO READ: Different Types of Hotel Safes to Include For Your In-room Equipment

There’s no question that efforts to save the environment are needed now. In an industry that contributes greatly to environmental waste, hoteliers should now consider how they can go “green”. It is an initiative that has long been overdue. By putting sustainable practices in place, you may not just do your part in saving the environment. Your efforts may also be rewarded by huge savings, improved amenities, and customer loyalty.

Ask Hotel and Spa Essentials today about how we can help you implement sustainable practices in your hotel.


Different Types of Hotel Safes to Include For Your In-room Equipment

Hotels are usually equipped with anti-theft systems to ensure the security of guests. Designated personnel are also available to ensure that hotel guests would be worry-free during the length of their stay. Despite that, hotel safes remain to be a valuable part of accommodations. It serves as an additional layer of protection to ensure that valuables remain intact even while guests are out of their rooms. 

Hotel safes mitigate risks and could be a factor why guests will continue to choose your property over other options. If you haven’t paid much attention to the importance of hotel safes and the options out there, this article is a must-read.

Types of Hotel Safes

Electronic Keypad In-Room Safe

Excellent security

This type of hotel safe is a commonly used in-room equipment found in popular hotels and resorts. It is highly effective in preventing theft and keeping valuables secure. A handheld computer device would be required to open this type of safe. It can also be used with a computer so audit reports may be printed when needed.

Electronic Keypad Safe With Keypad Override Access

Excellent security

For this type of hotel safe, an override ‘sequence’ is used and not just a PIN. They also use a removable chip that will allow access to important data. These hotel safes work as great as electronic keypad in-room safes.

Electronic Keypad Access With Manual Safety Key

Good security

Compared to the two types of hotel safes mentioned above, this type with a manual safety key provides less security. This in-room safe allows the recording of data but is limited to the date and time of the override entry. A key and an override code must be used and it also requires the moving of the safe. 

Manual Key Safe With Safety Key Access

Manual security

An old type of in-room safe, a manual key safe is no longer common in many hotels. Usually, this type of hotel safe is already replaced with electronic safes. Although already rare, reputable hotels that still use this usually make this safe inaccessible even to management and are usually kept in fire-retardant safes.

Why You Must Include Hotel Safes in Your In-Room Equipment

Improve Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction will earn you repeat clients. By assuring guests that their belongings will be safe during their stay, they will be more at ease and confident in booking your hotel or recommending it to others.

Provide Secure Storage

In-room hotel safes provide secure storage while keeping guests in charge of the belongings that they want to keep. In-room hotel safes also allow the convenience of accessing valuables without having to wait in line at the front desk.

Upgrade Rooms

Aside from the obvious benefits of hotel safes in terms of keeping valuables safe and accessible, they also serve as quality in-room equipment that will add value to rooms. Hotel safes are added amenities that will make clients find more value in the money they used in choosing your accommodation. 

ALSO READ: Reasons to Choose Eco-Friendly Hotel Amenities NOW

If you haven’t invested in hotel safes yet, you are missing an opportunity to make your hotel more desirable. It is a piece of in-room equipment that could be an important consideration for your potential customers.

Hotel and Spa Essentials is a hotel room safes supplier that can provide you with high-quality and durable in-room equipment. We offer hotel guest amenities from world-renowned brands. Send us an inquiry so we can help you with your needs.


Hotel Minibar Items for a Premium Guest Experience

Hotel minibars have been a part of almost all types of accommodations for a long time already. In 1980, hotel minibars have become an industry staple, especially across 4-star and 5-star hotels. Although these in-room amenities are no longer as popular as they were before, it cannot be denied that minibars in hotels still contribute to a premium guest experience.

If you haven’t paid much attention to hotel minibars as a fitting addition to your accommodation, you should look into the items that you can add to contribute to customer satisfaction. Here are 5 hotel mini bar products that add luxury to stays.

5 Hotel Minibar Items that Can Upgrade Guest Experience

Local Favorites

Travelers would love to have a taste of the local favorites. It would be very convenient if they can find products from local producers and suppliers in the hotel room minibar. Popular treats in your area would be a hit, especially for those who want to explore what a location has to offer. Unique and sumptuous treats would be a great addition to a minibar in a hotel. Some guests would love to find not-so-usual hotel mini bar products. Gourmet nuts, native fruit candies, and local chocolates would come in handy for those who’d rather skip having to go to the usually crowded pasalubong center. While you add convenience to the guest experience, you are also able to support local suppliers in your area.


Some guests would appreciate finding a bottle of good wine in their room’s minibar. You can fill your minibar with a diverse selection of wines so they can find something that would suit their tastes. White, red, and rose wines are some of the staples that offer basic but popular choices among guests.

Diet-Specific Snacks

There are now different diets that many people follow for health reasons and to feel good about their bodies. Those who travel and want to stick to their diet may have a hard time finding snacks that are right for them. You can spare them unnecessary worries by being extra thoughtful when choosing hotel mini bar products. Stock your hotel minibar stocked with diet-specific snacks to provide what they need. Offer a selection of snacks for different types of diets. Not only will you encourage healthy eating, but guests will also have a reason to recommend your hotel to others.

Personalized Items

Learn more about your guests to know what they could possibly need in the minibar in their hotel room during their stay. If they will be traveling with children, make sure to stock the minibar with kid-friendly treats. Do you allow pets in your hotel and a guest has expressed the intention to bring one? Make sure to include dog treats too.

Unique Products

Provide guests with treats that they may not easily find in other places. If you have the capacity to tie up with a local supplier, offer hotel minibar treats that are exclusive to your brand whether they be baked pastries, native delicacies, bespoke products, and more. Unique products give added reasons for guests to try what you have in store for them.

Hotel Minibars: A Must-Have in Your Accommodation

Hotel minibars have been used since the mid-1970s and there’s no reason to steer away from including them as essential in-room equipment for your hotel. While they may seem an ordinary hotel amenity, they contribute to guest satisfaction by providing convenient and quality options from basic needs to unique treats. Moreover, it is a great way to upsell your hotel and even support the local industry in your area.

ALSO READ: Emerging Hotel Amenities Trends that Will Impact the Future of Accommodations

Need a hotel minibar supplier in the Philippines? Hotel and Spa Essentials offer you some of the best options. The company is known as a luxury hotel amenities supplier recognized by world-class hotels. 

Let us take care of your hotel minibar requirements.Send us a message today.

Reasons to Choose Eco-Friendly Hotel Amenities NOW

There is now a growing concern for the environment and along with that is the increasing popularity of eco-friendly alternatives. People are now more aware of the implications of wrong practices that affect the environment. In the hospitality industry, sustainable measures are being explored to replace old strategies. Hotels now implement initiatives including the use of eco-friendly hotel amenities.

If you haven’t considered using eco-friendly hotel amenities in your accommodation, here are some of the reasons that will encourage you to start implementing green practices.

Why You Should Use Eco-Friendly Hotel Amenities

Consumers value eco-friendly initiatives

The impact of climate change has affected the choices that consumers make. Many people now prefer sustainable alternatives including eco-friendly hotel amenities even if that would result in higher expenses.

A study shows that 83% of worldwide travelers consider sustainability in their travel choices. A majority of respondents (67%) expressed readiness to spend higher for low-carbon travel. 

Companies prefer green alternatives.

Aside from travelers, hotel guests also include corporate clients. You could entice more companies to book your hotel through the eco-friendly hotel amenities you’ll provide. Some companies inquire about green initiatives and credentials when looking for hotels as a way to incorporate sustainable approaches. Aside from that, companies benefit from going green as it may entitle them to tax credits and incentives.

Sustainability comes with long-term benefits.

While sustainable measures can help you attract more guests, they also come with direct benefits for your hotel. Conservation of energy and resources improves efficiency and reduces waste. For instance, liquid soap dispensers offer more benefits as compared to single-use toiletries. They are reusable, cost-effective, and prevent unnecessary waste. In the long run, regular and effective use of eco-friendly hotel amenities could lead to a significant reduction in operational costs.

Eco-friendly hotel amenities promote energy conservation.

Hotels and other accommodations use a huge amount of electricity in their operations. Aside from lighting, air conditioning and water heating contribute greatly to electricity consumption. However, energy costs can be reduced by choosing eco-friendly hotel amenities. Best of all, it won’t decrease the quality and luxurious experience that you want to offer your guests. Sustainable solutions are not just limited to using energy-saving equipment. You can also opt for solar and wind power to generate energy from renewable resources.

Sustainable alternatives reduce water consumption.

Aside from energy, hotels also use a huge amount of water. Although water is a renewable resource, only 3% of the water on the planet is usable. Not properly using it can lead to depletion at an alarming rate.

Through eco-friendly hotel amenities, you can adopt innovations to save water. Choose low-flow faucets, showerheads, and smart fixtures to facilitate the proper use of water. You should also invest in eco-friendly towels and linens. For instance, EcoKnit® towels allow 15% less water per wash and consume less detergent so you can reduce your carbon footprint.

Reduce your carbon footprint.

Eco-friendly hotel amenities encourage waste reduction and recycling. Waste management measures help reduce your carbon footprint. If you haven’t searched for alternatives to disposables and single-use plastics, it’s time to switch.

Choose supplies that are made with sustainable materials. Hotel and Spa Essentials have partnered with trusted brands to provide hoteliers with eco-friendly hotel amenities. Sustainable solutions include bio-sourced liquid soap dispensers that are elegantly designed while keeping the users and the environment in mind.

ALSO READ: Reasons to Use Liquid Soap Dispensers in Your Hotel

Now that most parts of the world are transitioning to the new normal and travel is now possible again, you can do your part in protecting the environment. Choose eco-friendly hotel amenities for your accommodation. There’s no excuse to implement sustainability with options that can uplift guest experience and benefit your bottom line,

Hotel and Spa Essentials is a trusted supplier of high-quality hotel amenities. We have partnered with brands that care for the environment to provide sustainable solutions that support the need for an excellent hotel accommodation experience.

Contact us today so we can discuss your hotel supplies needs.

Emerging Hotel Amenities Trends that Will Impact the Future of Accommodations

The hotel industry continues to develop. With several factors taken into consideration, you can expect hotel industry trends to emerge every now and then. With just a few months after the year has started and as the country transitions to a post-pandemic era, businesses in the hospitality industry are now geared to entice more customers and improve the amenities they offer.

Interested in what the hotel industry has in store? Check out these emerging hotel amenities trends that could shape the future of hotels and accommodations.

6 Hotel Amenities Trends to Watch Out For

1. Smart room technology

A smart hotel room is one that is equipped with ‘smart’ electronic devices or those who have embraced the Internet of Things (IoT). 

Smart rooms use technology to replace ordinary in-room equipment. Examples include room temperature settings that can be controlled even from a remote location, push-button innovations, voice-controlled mechanisms, and others.

2. Focus on sustainability

This trend started in recent years as more brands put great value on environmental sustainability. While it is no longer new, it is expected that greater emphasis will be given to eco-friendly solutions that can make hotels more sustainable. 

Reducing environmental impact will come in many forms. The use of solar panels, energy-saving in-room equipment, eco-friendly hotel supplies, and even inclusion of vegan choices in the hotel’s menu are among the changes that may be expected in this year’s hotel amenities trends.

3. Enhanced wellness amenities

The pandemic has broadened the definition of wellness and emphasized its importance. Wellness offerings in hotels will aim to match the self-care requirements of guests and travelers. Hotel amenities trends may also focus on nurturing the mind, body, and spirit. Amenities available in hotels may include not just fitness facilities but as well as reflexology, yoga, mental health programs, holistic nutrition, and more.

4. Work-friendly rooms

Work-from-anywhere became popular during the pandemic and this setup may be here to stay. Hotel amenities trends may include rooms that were designed for those who work remotely. You may see more rooms that are equipped with modular tables that can be used for dining or as workstations–complete with power outlets.

5. Guest-specific provisions

Hotel amenities trends will aim to respond to what guests and travelers want. Many seek new experiences, especially after years of restrictions due to the pandemic. Guests would also look forward to getting more from hotel stays. Hotels need to be on top of changing travel preferences to meet their expectations and provide value for their money.

6. Touchless interaction

This year and the years to come, guests may be able to check in and out of hotel rooms without physical interaction with the hotel staff. 

Mobile apps will impact the technology used in hotels. While this has already started in many top-notch hotels, more accommodations may follow the use of touchless technology as seen in the use of electronic room keys, QR codes, and mobile apps in attending to the needs of their guests.

ALSO READ: Hotelier’s Guide to Buying Hotel Slippers

Hotel amenities trends are no longer limited to the usual offerings, especially with more brands and different types of accommodations emerging in the hospitality industry today. Innovations, improved technology, and lessons brought by the pandemic play important roles in stepping up the hotel experience. If you’re a hotelier or a manager of a hotel, you shouldn’t be left behind. 

Contact us to find out more about the luxury hotel amenities that we offer to help you meet the expectations of your guests.