How Plastics Harm the Environment and What You Can Do as a Hotelier

How Plastics Harm the Environment and What You Can Do as a Hotelier

The problem with plastic waste is no longer new. In the hotel industry, a lot of hoteliers and travelers contribute to plastic pollution. It is a convenient, durable, and affordable material which are some of the reasons why many still prefer to use it. With global awareness and greater concern for the environment, steps are being taken to slowly move away from plastic use. There could be struggles in doing so, but efforts are worth it, especially with a larger picture in sight.

How Plastics Harm the Environment

Plastics pollute oceans.

Around 8 million tons of plastic waste pollute bodies of water every year. When they reach rivers and oceans, they threaten the lives of marine animals. This environmental waste can also get into the human food chain. 

Plastics don’t break down easily.

The materials used in making plastics include additives that help extend their lives. Plastics are durable and flexible and it will take around 400 years for them to break down. This presents threats to wildlife and also contributes to the spread of toxins.

Plastics contribute to global warming.

Plastics are made from chemicals. To produce them, chemicals that come from the production of dirty fuels such as gas, oil, and coal are used which in turn contribute to global warming. Moreover, plastics burnt in incinerators release toxic gases that lead to air pollution.

What You Can Do As a Hotelier

The hospitality industry now faces the challenge to stop plastic pollution. Hotels are among the sources of plastic waste with this material constantly present in most establishments in the forms of lids, straws, cups, toiletry bottles, packaging, and more.

The fact that a lot of hotels are located near the beach and other natural attractions, the potential for them to be a source of plastics that can damage the environment only increases.

Fortunately, hoteliers have options to choose sustainable hotel amenities as alternatives to what is normally used in resorts and accommodations. Single-use plastics can be avoided by investing in hotel supplies that can be used repeatedly. 

  • Instead of using sachets and mini toiletries in individual packages, hoteliers may invest in eco-friendly dispensers. 
  • They can also opt for packaging that is made with plant-based materials to prevent the accumulation of residues that may harm the ecosystems.
  • Another option is to promote the use of recycled plastics such as PCR (post-consumer recycled) and PIR (post-industry recycled) plastics sourced from industrial scrap or recalled products.

The dispensers included in Hotel and Spa Essentials’ guest amenities promote the reduction of plastic use. Our selection includes liquid soap dispensers that are innovative, sustainable, and eco-designed to serve as suitable alternatives to usual plastics.

ALSO READ: Reasons to Choose Eco-Friendly Hotel Amenities NOW

Hotel and Spa Essentials partners with Groupe GM to provide luxury hotel amenities from the most trusted brands in the hospitality industry. Our offerings range from high-quality toiletries and linens to elegantly-designed liquid dispensers that aim to help reduce dependence on single-use plastics.

Make a difference by taking initiatives to protect the environment. Inquire about our products now.


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