5 Energy Saving Tips for Hotels that Can Impact Revenue

5 Energy Saving Tips for Hotels that Can Impact Revenue

Times are extra challenging for businesses nowadays. The effects of the global crisis can already be felt. The inflation rate is high and recession may be in the offing. Any effort to reduce expenses would help keep businesses stay afloat. In the hotel industry, one of the measures that should be taken is to reduce energy usage.

One way to keep your expenses in control is by reducing your energy usage. On average, utilities make up 6% of the total hotel operating costs. Taking the effort to keep it low would surely have a direct impact on your hotel revenue. If you need ideas on how to get started, here are some of the simple yet effective energy-saving tips that hotel administrators can follow.

5 Energy Saving Tips for Hotels

1. Use Automatic Shutdown Sockets

Don’t miss the opportunity to save on energy. Use automatic shutdown sockets to ensure that power is cut in unused rooms. It is a way to use power wisely wherein energy will only be available in rooms where guests are expected to stay.

2. Book Rooms Strategically

During off-peak seasons, it would be ideal to book rooms in clusters to control power usage in a certain part of your hotel. Another way to book rooms strategically is to consider their locations. Rooms that face the sun would take more energy to cool especially during the summer months. Consider assigning guests to these rooms only when the other rooms are already filled.

3. Control Laundry Costs

Simple modifications can help lower your energy costs especially when it comes to hotel linens and towels. Dissuade behavior that may abuse the use of sheets and towels and promote those that can positively impact your bottom line by reducing water and energy use.

  • Provide supplies based on the number of occupants in a room. Guests are privileged to request additional towels during their stay. If the supply is not enough, they will most likely let you know.
  • Replace linens by request. Some hotels provide door hangers as a way for guests to communicate with the housekeeping staff. You can also use this strategy or a similar one to help determine if guests are requesting the replacement of sheets.
  • Provide more towel racks or hangers. Support positive behavior. If there will be more opportunities to reuse hotel towels, guests will most likely find no reason to ask for more.

4. Invest in good hotel products.

Look for products such as towels and sheets that use cutting-edge technology to reduce operational costs without getting in the way of a quality hotel guest experience. High-quality products may have higher initial costs but they prove to be cost-efficient in the long run. 

For instance, EcoKnit towels are 2 to 3 times more durable than ordinary hotel towels. You won’t need to replace supplies very often. They are also designed to consume less detergent and lower energy consumption so your laundry and energy expenses are reduced.

5. Empower your staff.

As much as you want to influence positive behavior among guests, you also have to ensure that your staff shares the same goals with you. Inform them about the benefits of energy conservation. Train them to be consistent in practicing energy-saving strategies that can help reduce power consumption. Set goals for them and once reached provide incentives to inspire them to do better. 

ALSO READ: Housekeeping 101: How Hotel Bed Making Can Be Done Fast

Simple acts can make a huge difference. More than ever, it is now a must to save on energy. Aside from taking the necessary efforts to protect the environment, the reduction in your operational costs through energy saving would take part in keeping your business afloat, especially during the most trying times. Start with these simple but effective energy-saving tips for hotels that can impact your revenue in the long run.

Hotel and Spa Essentials offers high-quality hotel supplies that can impress guests and benefit your business. Contact us today to find out more about the world-class hotel amenities we offer.


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