Reasons to Choose Eco-Friendly Hotel Amenities NOW

Reasons to Choose Eco-Friendly Hotel Amenities NOW

There is now a growing concern for the environment and along with that is the increasing popularity of eco-friendly alternatives. People are now more aware of the implications of wrong practices that affect the environment. In the hospitality industry, sustainable measures are being explored to replace old strategies. Hotels now implement initiatives including the use of eco-friendly hotel amenities.

If you haven’t considered using eco-friendly hotel amenities in your accommodation, here are some of the reasons that will encourage you to start implementing green practices.

Why You Should Use Eco-Friendly Hotel Amenities

Consumers value eco-friendly initiatives

The impact of climate change has affected the choices that consumers make. Many people now prefer sustainable alternatives including eco-friendly hotel amenities even if that would result in higher expenses.

A study shows that 83% of worldwide travelers consider sustainability in their travel choices. A majority of respondents (67%) expressed readiness to spend higher for low-carbon travel. 

Companies prefer green alternatives.

Aside from travelers, hotel guests also include corporate clients. You could entice more companies to book your hotel through the eco-friendly hotel amenities you’ll provide. Some companies inquire about green initiatives and credentials when looking for hotels as a way to incorporate sustainable approaches. Aside from that, companies benefit from going green as it may entitle them to tax credits and incentives.

Sustainability comes with long-term benefits.

While sustainable measures can help you attract more guests, they also come with direct benefits for your hotel. Conservation of energy and resources improves efficiency and reduces waste. For instance, liquid soap dispensers offer more benefits as compared to single-use toiletries. They are reusable, cost-effective, and prevent unnecessary waste. In the long run, regular and effective use of eco-friendly hotel amenities could lead to a significant reduction in operational costs.

Eco-friendly hotel amenities promote energy conservation.

Hotels and other accommodations use a huge amount of electricity in their operations. Aside from lighting, air conditioning and water heating contribute greatly to electricity consumption. However, energy costs can be reduced by choosing eco-friendly hotel amenities. Best of all, it won’t decrease the quality and luxurious experience that you want to offer your guests. Sustainable solutions are not just limited to using energy-saving equipment. You can also opt for solar and wind power to generate energy from renewable resources.

Sustainable alternatives reduce water consumption.

Aside from energy, hotels also use a huge amount of water. Although water is a renewable resource, only 3% of the water on the planet is usable. Not properly using it can lead to depletion at an alarming rate.

Through eco-friendly hotel amenities, you can adopt innovations to save water. Choose low-flow faucets, showerheads, and smart fixtures to facilitate the proper use of water. You should also invest in eco-friendly towels and linens. For instance, EcoKnit® towels allow 15% less water per wash and consume less detergent so you can reduce your carbon footprint.

Reduce your carbon footprint.

Eco-friendly hotel amenities encourage waste reduction and recycling. Waste management measures help reduce your carbon footprint. If you haven’t searched for alternatives to disposables and single-use plastics, it’s time to switch.

Choose supplies that are made with sustainable materials. Hotel and Spa Essentials have partnered with trusted brands to provide hoteliers with eco-friendly hotel amenities. Sustainable solutions include bio-sourced liquid soap dispensers that are elegantly designed while keeping the users and the environment in mind.

ALSO READ: Reasons to Use Liquid Soap Dispensers in Your Hotel

Now that most parts of the world are transitioning to the new normal and travel is now possible again, you can do your part in protecting the environment. Choose eco-friendly hotel amenities for your accommodation. There’s no excuse to implement sustainability with options that can uplift guest experience and benefit your bottom line,

Hotel and Spa Essentials is a trusted supplier of high-quality hotel amenities. We have partnered with brands that care for the environment to provide sustainable solutions that support the need for an excellent hotel accommodation experience.

Contact us today so we can discuss your hotel supplies needs.

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