5 Cost-Effective Hotel Housekeeping Hacks That Will Solve Your Cleaning Woes

5 Cost-Effective Hotel Housekeeping Hacks That Will Solve Your Cleaning Woes

Hotel housekeeping is an important part of hotel operations that keeps guests happy and prevents further problems like additional repairs. Many hotels spend time on expensive cleaning methods for their hotel rooms. But with the help of a few hotel cleaning hacks, you can maintain high housekeeping standards while being able to save money and make cleaning routines easier. 

From guest cleaning policies to eco-friendly cleaning methods, these 5 hotel cleaning hacks can help make a big difference in your hotel:

5 Cost-Effective Hotel Cleaning Hacks 

1. Guest Self-Cleaning Policies

Self-clean policies can be applied in small areas that are easy to tidy or sanitize. Have a laundry basket ready for guests to put dirty linen or towels in. Provide guests with amenities like microfiber cloths, portable vacuums, or heavy-duty wipes, so they can clean up in case they accidentally make a mess. 

2. Streamline Cleaning Supplies

Organize your cleaning supplies by color-coding them for specific areas (e.g., orange for the bathroom, green for the beds). This helps housekeepers clean more efficiently and prevents cross-contamination of cleaning agents. It can also be a useful way to track how often supplies are used, allowing you to buy accordingly without excess inventory. Streamlined supplies contribute to the overall effectiveness of your hotel cleaning hacks. 

3. Adopt Steam Cleaners

Invest in steam cleaner equipment that doesn’t require additional chemicals to sanitize areas in hotel rooms. Research shows that using steam cleaners is just as effective as traditional practices but with the added benefit of being a more eco-friendly cleaning method. Certain models can also be used to clean bathroom tiles and mattresses, and eliminate odors or remove bedbugs. 

4. Apply Natural Solutions

The use of natural cleaning materials which have very little chemical agents can be a great way to cut housekeeping costs. With the smart use of the right materials, you can make hotel rooms spotless without much hassle. 

Keep in mind the essential trio for eco-friendly cleaning methods: baking soda, lemon juices, and vinegar. These ingredients contain natural acids that break down mold, grime, and pathogens. 

Here are some hotel housekeeping hacks you can apply:

  • Clean Shower Head (Vinegar and Plastic Bag) – Fill a plastic ziploc bag big enough to fit your shower head and place 1 or 2 cups of vinegar inside it. Wrap the plastic around the shower head and wait for 1 hour. Remove it and you can see how much dirt has been separated. 
  • Clean Bathroom Sinks (Vinegar and Paper Towel) – Dip paper towels in a bowl of vinegar then place it on the surface. Wait for 1 to 2 minutes for stains to be removed. 
  • Clean Scuffs or Stains on Surfaces (Baking Soda and Lemon) – Apply baking soda to any surface or mix it in a bowl with lemon juice until it becomes paste-like, then use a microfiber cloth or sponge to scoop and scrub away any dirty areas. This also helps to remove any odors with the help of the natural acidic scent of lemons. 
  • Clean Carpeted Floor (Baking Soda and Vacuum) – Sprinkle around baking soda over the carpeted floor and let it be for 10 mins., then vacuum the surface. 

5. Use Sustainable Amenities

It would save you a lot of money to consider the use of sustainable amenities as they have been shown to be a key factor influencing guests’ positive reviews

Hotel and Spa Essentials offers many eco-friendly hotel amenities that can complement hotel cleaning hacks, such as ecoknit terry cloths and recyclable dispensers. The world-class luxury terry cloths are used to create bathrobes and towels, they are designed to lower laundry costs and last longer than other materials. While the high-quality, ecofill dispensers are made from sugar cane residue that comes with a refillable pouch. 

Cut Costs with Hotel Cleaning Hacks 

These five cost-effective housekeeping hacks can keep your hotel impeccably clean while staying within budget. From encouraging guest self-cleaning to using natural cleaning solutions and sustainable amenities, these strategies will streamline your cleaning process. Apply these tips to solve your cleaning woes without overspending, Clean smarter, not harder!

Hotel and Spa Essentials is a leading supplier of sustainable hotel amenities that help keep hotel rooms clean and minimize expenses. 


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